Coaching for individuals
Our individual and group coaching is designed to improve engagement, confidence and performance. We tailor coaching to the needs of the individual or team. Our approach is based on current research into intentional change, mindfulness and positive psychology - and our extensive public sector experience..
While coaching opportunities are usually available to more senior staff, we see value in offering coaching to all levels. There is a significant benefit to both the individual and the organisation from access to guided observation, reflection and practice opportunities at all career stages.
Coaching may include psychometric assessment tools and structured discussions with supervisors, peers and subordinates.

'I now think more deeply about what I want out of my career, and have implemented a plan to get there'
- Mentoree from Schumann & Fisher
Career Coaching
We help people with career planning, preparation, practice and reflection. Depending on the needs of the individual, we may also provide training on communication, influence and presentation skills.
Career coaching can be provided on either a one-to-one basis, to groups or a mix of both.
Team Coaching
High performing teams demonstrate a common set of characteristics, including clear structure and purpose, trust and dependability, and meaning and impact.
We use techniques from the coaching, Agile, Design Thinking and Digital Leadership literature and offer team coaching in five sequential stages. Teams may take as few or as many stages as desired but they do need to be taken in order.
Stage 1 - Building positive intent
Stage 2 - Stakeholders – purpose, clarity and permission
Stage 3 - Team Charter – goals, methods, values and designing agility
Stage 4 - Action plans, next steps and sprinting
Stage 5 - Practicing, learning and refining
Register for Coaching
Please fill out the form below for the coaching. If possible, provide us with information on what you are looking for to gain from personal coaching and career mentoring. We will contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, contact us at